This function fit the parameters of a variogram through N-weighetd least squares taking also into account the presence of positional error.
varioadj(data, locations, displacement = "gaussian", delta, kappa, ini, ...)
data | A numeric vector of spatial data. |
locations | A two column matrix containing the locations (coordinates x and y). |
displacement | The type of geomasking to be applied: either "gaussian" or "uniform". |
delta | A number that specify the standard deviation of the positional error in the case of Gaussian geomasking or the maximum displacement distance in the case of Uniform geomasking. |
kappa | Numerical value for the additional smoothness parameter of the matern correlation function. |
ini | Initial values for the parameters to be passed to the optimisation algorithm. |
... | Control argumenets for the optimiser. |
A numeric vector containg the estimated parameters.