Malaria Dataset from Tanzania Demographic Health Surveys 2015
This dataset contains information on malaria prevalence and associated variables from the 2015 Tanzania Demographic Health Surveys. The data includes geographical, demographic, environmental, and health-related variables.
A data frame with 387 rows and 20 columns, containing the following variables:
cluster.number Cluster number, identifying the survey cluster.
Lat Latitude of the survey cluster.
Long Longitude of the survey cluster.
MM Month of the survey (in two-digit format).
YY Year of the survey.
UpAge Upper age limit of the surveyed individuals in years.
LoAge Lower age limit of the surveyed individuals in years.
Ex Number of individuals examined for malaria.
Pf Number of individuals tested positive for Plasmodium falciparum (malaria parasite).
PfPR2.10 Plasmodium falciparum parasite rate in the population (aged 2-10 years).
Method Method used for malaria diagnosis (e.g., Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT)).
EVI Enhanced Vegetation Index, indicating vegetation density.
Temperature Average temperature in degrees Celsius.
Precipitation Total precipitation in millimeters.
Population Population density in the area (in thousands).
ITN Percentage of households with at least one insecticide-treated net (ITN).
NTL Nighttime light intensity, indicating urbanization and infrastructure.
Urban.Rural Indicator of whether the area is urban ('U') or rural ('R').
utm_x UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) x-coordinate of the survey cluster.
utm_y UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) y-coordinate of the survey cluster.
The CRS of the UTM coordinates is 32736.
Tanzania Demographic Health Surveys 2015, Giorgi E, Fronterrè C, Macharia PM, Alegana VA, Snow RW, Diggle PJ. 2021 Model building and assessment of the impact of covariates for disease prevalence mapping in low-resource settings: to explain and to predict. J. R. Soc. Interface 18: 20210104.