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Computes the empirical variogram using ``bins'' of distance provided by the user.


  bins = NULL,
  n_permutation = 0,
  convert_to_utm = TRUE,
  scale_to_km = FALSE



an object of class sf containing the variable for which the variogram is to be computed and the coordinates


a character indicating the name of variable for which the variogram is to be computed.


a vector indicating the `bins` to be used to define the classes of distance used in the computation of the variogram. By default bins=NULL and bins are then computed as seq(0, d_max/2, length=15) where d_max is the maximum distance observed in the data.


a non-negative integer indicating the number of permutation used to compute the 95 level envelope under the assumption of spatial independence. By default n_permutation=0, and no envelope is generated.


a logical value, indicating if the conversion to UTM shuold be performed (convert_to_utm = TRUE) or the coordinate reference system of the data must be used without any conversion (convert_to_utm = FALSE). By default convert_to_utm = TRUE. Note: if convert_to_utm = TRUE the conversion to UTM is performed using the epsg provided by propose_utm.


a logical value, indicating if the distances used in the variogram must be scaled to kilometers (scale_to_km = TRUE) or left in meters (scale_to_km = FALSE). By default scale_to_km = FALSE


an object of class 'variogram' which is a list containing the following components

variogram a data-frame containing the following columns: mid_points, the middle points of the classes of distance provided by bins; obs_vari the values of the observed variogram; obs_vari the number of pairs. If n_permutation > 0, the data-frame also contains lower_bound and upper_bound

corresponding to the lower and upper bounds of the 95

used to assess the departure of the observed variogram from the assumption of spatial independence.

scale_to_km the value passed to scale_to_km

n_permutation the number of permutations


Emanuele Giorgi

Claudio Fronterre