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This geostatistical dataset was extracted from the Demographic and Health Survey 2014 conducted in Ghana.

  • lng Longitude of the sampling cluster.

  • lat Latitude of the sampling cluster.

  • age age in months of the child.

  • sex sex of the child.

  • HAZ height-for-age Z-score.

  • WAZ weight-for-age Z-score

  • urb binary indicator: urban area=1; rural area=0.

  • etn ethnic group.

  • edu level of education of the mother, which takes integer values from 1="Poorly educated" to 3="Highly educated".

  • wealth wealth score of the household, which takes integer values from 1="Poor" to 3="Rich".

The coordinate reference system is 3857.




A data frame with 2671 rows and 10 variables


Demographic and Health Survey,