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This data-set relates to a study of the prevalence of Loa loa (eyeworm) in a series of surveys undertaken in 197 villages in west Africa (Cameroon and southern Nigeria). The variables are as follows:

  • ROW row id: 1 to 197.

  • VILLCODE village id.

  • LONGITUDE Longitude in degrees.

  • LATITUDE Latitude in degrees.

  • NO_EXAM Number of people tested.

  • NO_INF Number of positive test results.

  • ELEVATION Height above sea-level in metres.

  • MEAN9901 Mean of all NDVI values recorded at village location, 1999-2001

  • MAX9901 Maximum of all NDVI values recorded at village location, 1999-2001

  • MIN9901 Minimum of all NDVI values recorded at village location, 1999-2001

  • MIN9901 Minimum of all NDVI values recorded at village location, 1999-2001

  • STDEV9901 standard deviation of all NDVI values recorded at village location, 1999-2001




A data frame with 197 rows and 11 variables


Diggle, P.J., Thomson, M.C., Christensen, O.F., Rowlingson, B., Obsomer, V., Gardon, J., Wanji, S., Takougang, I., Enyong, P., Kamgno, J., Remme, H., Boussinesq, M. and Molyneux, D.H. (2007). Spatial modelling and prediction of Loa loa risk: decision making under uncertainty. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 101, 499-509.