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These data contain 116 georeferenced locations on the counts of Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii in Southern Cameroon.

  • web_x x-coordinate of the spatial locations.

  • web_y y-coordinate of the spatial locations.

  • Locality: name of the place of the sampled location.

  • An.coluzzii: counts of Anopheles coluzzi.

  • An.gambiae: counts of Anopheles gambiae.

  • Total: total counts of Anopheles coluzzi and Anopheles gambiae.

  • elevation: elevation in meters of the sampled location.

The coordinate reference system is 3857.




A data frame with 116 rows and 7 variables


Tene Fossog, B., Ayala, D., Acevedo, P., Kengne, P., Ngomo Abeso Mebuy, I., Makanga, B., et al. (2015) Habitat segregation and ecological character displacement in cryptic African malaria mosquitoes. Evolutionary Applications, 8 (4), 326-345.